ISKCON Foundation

Building a community through giving.

ISKCON Foundation launches the Outreach Patron Programme

We are seeing the need to further develop ISKCON’s outreach. It’s a gap we all need to take responsibility for and help fill. We have begun to try new things which have the potential to change what Hare Krishna means to the average person and how they engage with Krishna consciousness. For example, Srila Prabhupada said that the next step in ISKCON’s development was restaurants – so we started one in London. And like in the old days when there was Chaitanya College, a residential retreat place working hand-in-glove with the Manor and Soho Street, we also now need a retreat centre where people who come in contact with KC through temples, books, events, courses and restaurants, can go to take their next step in their spiritual journey. There are, and will continue to be, many other strategic outreach projects that will need our support.

We need your help: we need £100,000 per year to develop these strategically critical outreach projects. We can’t plan for sustainable future development without this. We want to create restaurants with outreach centres in every major city and several more in London. We also want the retreat centre to be the country’s leading residential training and event destination for spiritual seekers. And so on…

We are looking for individuals who will pledge either £1,000 per year to join our Outreach Patron Programme so that we can create this ground-breaking outreach platform and make a real difference to the spiritual lives of the people of this country. This is an annual commitment which we hope you will keep renewing as you see the results.

So far, almost all our funding has relied on a very small group of individuals giving a lot. For our outreach to really flourish in the way Srila Prabhupada desired, we need everyone to contribute at least a small amount. We need you to help by becoming an Outreach Patron.

ISKCON Foundation is a new ISKCON initiative with national remit and is focused on outreach. It has been established by members of PS Alumni, with permission from ISKCON UK, to further ISKCON’s work. Like many other ISKCON UK entities, it operates as a separate charity and is accountable to ISKCON UK as its sole Member. Bhaktivedanta Manor has kindly agreed to provide us with a registered address and create a ring-fenced ledger for processing donations until we make our own arrangements.